Jasa Pembuatan Website Boyolali - Terbukti dan Terpercaya 2015

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The introduction of new technologies, such as apps for phones and QR codes, mean that the way consumers interact with brands is changing and it is these technologies that are opening up a wealth of opportunities for the savvy marketer to keep ahead of the competition. Indeed, evolving technology can aid marketers in a variety of ways, from improving their targeting of prospects, to aiding customer engagement and evaluating campaigns.

An area where technology is demonstrating big developments is in driving the integration of mailshots with digital and mobile routes.

An important example of this is interactive mail, which was recently launched by our Door to Door unit. It uses digital watermarking technology to enable consumers to simply scan an image in their post with their 3G phone to be taken to a company’s online content – a website, video or Facebook page – in seconds. It could be a video of a chef preparing the consumer’s favourite meal or longed for holiday destination.


Without the need for bar or QR codes, the digital watermark can be easily embedded into the existing pictures on leaflets and mailings. No special inks or changes to the printing process are required, making it straightforward and very cost effective.


What has also made interactive post possible has been the increasing proliferation of 3G phones and apps that increase their functionality. Combined with their ease of use and the fact mobile phones are always close at hand, this technology is perfect for interacting with easily accessible mail and leaflets.


Traditionally, mail and digital have a strong heritage in working successfully together to deliver marketing campaigns with particularly high levels of interaction and response.


Mail, both addressed and unaddressed, aids digital campaigns because it is physical. In an increasingly digital age it is able to place messages directly into prospect’s hands. Therefore it’s a great media to generate stand out. Consumers can immediately consume and act on mail, or file to refer to and action at a later date.


Furthermore, mail offers a wealth of opportunities because it is very tactile and is the only media able to engage with consumers across all five senses – sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. It is worth remembering that there is no restriction on the size and shape of posted communications.


Arguably there is no better way to deliver stand out than by mail. This is confirmed by research that reveals 87 per cent of consumers remember door drops – the most remembered of all marketing mediums.


Combining the strengths of mail – the fact it is a highly physical, tactile and creative communication – with some of the strengths of digital, which enables marketers to deliver highly personalised real time interaction with consumers, gives you the potential to deliver a stand-out and responsive campaign.


Technology is evolving fast, so new developments like digital watermarking are set to make mail and digital routes work even harder and more successfully together. Those marketers who don’t embrace new technologies that drive value from their mail and online campaigns risk being left behind.

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Jasa Pembuatan Website Boyolali - Terbukti dan Terpercaya 2015


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